Family Mediation and Negotiation

Family Mediation and Negotiation

A better way to reach a fair outcome

When a couple makes the difficult decision to divorce or separate, it can be an emotional time and the last thing you want is a stressful, costly court battle. Family mediation and negotiation allows all parties to have equal input to move forward in the process amicably.


Above and beyond

We’ve exceeded the mediation training requirements to make sure we’re best equipped to help you through the process.

Deep expertise

Our family lawyers are knowledgeable in the theory and practical nuances of negotiation, providing clients with a tactical advantage.

Get to a speedier resolution

Divorce and separation doesn't have to be any more difficult than it already is. Let us help you reach a less costly resolution so you can start living your new life.

Family Mediation Services

We use a mix of tools and techniques that are appropriate for each unique situation and evolve our approach throughout the mediation process.


Learn how our experienced, neutral third party mediators can help facilitate settlement discussions and quickly resolve legal issues.

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Get help settling how to fairly separate your financial, personal, and family matters without ever stepping foot in a courtroom.

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Let us help you live the life you deserve.

Divorce is never easy, but this isn’t our first kick at the can. Let us help you get a fair outcome and move on with your life.